Holiday Schedule
Wed, Nov 22 – 5:30AM / 830AM / 500PM
Thur, Nov 23 – CLOSED
Fri, Nov 24 – 9AM & 10AM
Sat, Nov 25 – 9AM & 10AM
Hang Snatch (below the knee): 12 minutes of work between 60-85%
*start around 60% and only build after quality reps
AMRAP in 6 min x 2, for Total Reps:
8 Burpees
2 Front Squats (135/95)
10 Burpees
4 Front Squats
…and so on, adding 2 and 2 each round
Rest 4 min & Repeat
OHS: 12 min to find 2RM
Accumulate Perfect Glide Kip Pullups, never losing hollow or arch position
5 sets:
2 strict TTB + 2 Bar MU + 2 kip TTB + 2 Bar MU
30 total turkish sit ups (split equally)
*start of TGU but you will only go to the hip raise