Clean: 12 minutes to find heavy TNG double or work on technique

“Fight Gone Bad”
For total reps, three rounds of 1-minute stations:
Wallballs (20/14)
Sumo Deadlift high-pull (75/55)
Box Jumps (20)
Push-Press (75/55)
Row for Cal
1-minute rest


OHS: 11 min. to find 2 rep max
*first rep = 3 sec. pause

12 min. EMOM – all on bar
min. 1 – 8 kips only + 2 L-sit pull-ups
min. 2 – 8 butterfly pullup + 1 bar MU
min. 3 – 5 sec. hollow hold + 5 sec. arch x 3 (30 sec. total)

4 min. Tabata – med. ball situp + Russian twist e/side
*Medball touches behind head in situp then twist to L and R = 1 rep