Snatch: 2 stop (above knee + hip) pull + Snatch
Build to 85% for 3 sets of 2

3 minutes on / 3 minutes off for 4 rounds, for AMRAP:
15 Toes to Bar
50ft. DB Front Rack Lunge (50/35)
Max Cal Bike in Remaining Time


FS: 65/5, 75/4, 80/3, 85/2, 90/1, 85/2*3 sets, rest 90 sec

5 min. EMOM – 30 HS march steps (hand raises) w/ feet on wall
*face away from wall

5 sets – 100ft. HS walk (must go in 20′ stretches)
*scale as needed

4 min. tabata – parallel hold, face up, in ghd