Front Squat: Every 90 sec: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2*5 sets

AMRAP in 14 min:
10 Burpee Over Box (24/20)
2 Strict Pullups | R+ 2 Bar MU
*add 2 PU / MU each round (4,6,8, etc…)


Squat Clean Thruster (Cluster): 10 min EMOM – you pick your jumps but weight must go up each min… do not fail until last min.
Rest 3 min, then at 70% of today’s max, perform the following sets AFAP and Unbroken – 10-8-6-4-2

12 hollow wall walks (nose touch wall. start and end in plank)

4 sets as able
20 ft. HS walk w/ 2 sec. pause to freestanding HS hold at 10 ft.
* any fall = 10 hollow rocks

100 hollow rocks for time

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