RECIPE OF THE WEEK – We will start publishing a recipe of the week each Sunday!

The emails detailing the Paleo Challenge have been sent out. The challenge starts Monday. Entry fee deadline is Wednesday.

CubFit has been cancelled until Summer time, when we can better schedule classes that work for everyone.

CrossFit Wylie Barbell Club will start our first cycle Monday. This group will focus exclusively on being competitive in Weightlifting. Anyone training on this program is expected to follow the entire program (5 days a week) without exception. The weightlifting workouts will not be posted on the daily blog, it is linked on the weightlifting page.

The CrossFit Competition group will not have separate programming for the next 5 weeks. If you really want to improve in CrossFit, the first weightlifting cycle is what you should be doing without exception or substituting. If you want to get really good and compete, it takes a lot of work, and a lot of time. You will not be competitive without sticking to the program EVERYDAY. If you just want to improve and have fun, keep following the daily WOD and work on your weaknesses as much as you can.



Hang Clean 6X3 – Heavy but Perfect


“Paleo Benchmark”

12 minute AMRAP of:
7 Hang Power Cleans 155/95#
14 Burpees
21 Box Jumps 30/24″ (step down)

Scaled: 115/75#, 24/20″

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