We are going to enter some teams for “Terror at the Tower” CrossFit Competition on Oct. 12th (Friday Night). This is going to be a friendly team competition. 4 people per team. You can form your own team or let me know and I will pair you up. Food, water and t-shirts will be provided. Cost is $30 per person. If you are interested, let me know in the comment section…
15 minutes to establish a 1RM 3 Position Clean (ground, hang, hi-hang) & Jerk.
For Time:
Run 400m
21 C2B Pullups
16 One Arm KB Thrusters (53/35 8 Left-8 Right)
Run 400m
15 C2B Pullups
12 One Arm KB Thrusters (53/35 6 Left-6 Right)
Run 400m
9 C2B Pullups
8 One Arm KB Thrusters (53/35 4 Left-4 Right)
Count me in
I’m in.
Robert and I are interested.