
We are thinking about hosting a Spring Break Camp for ages 5 and up. Everything is up in the air but here’s the current idea:
Location: CrossFit Wylie
Days: March 11th (mon), 13th (wed), 15th (fri)
Hours: 9:30-11:30 (drop of and pick up times)
Cost: $30 for Members (per child) / $60 for Non-Members (per child)

Let us know if you are interested. If enough kids can do it, we will finalize the details and put up a link for registration.


15 Min to Practice Clean First Pull + Hang Power Clean DEMO
Work on hitting a PERFECT position at the knee.


12 minute AMRAP of:
3 Power Cleans 195/135#
10 T2B
15 Wall Ball 20/14#


1a) 3X3 Snatch Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 3X3 Snatch Balance – heavy (no misses), rest 60 sec.

2a) 3XME Strict HSPU – rest 60 sec.
Notes: Begin at Regionals standard. If you can perform more than 15 reps add a deficit.
2b) 3X10 GHR – heavy, rest 60 sec.


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