For those of you that haven’t heard, Joey just turned 21 and is leaving for boot camp next week. He’s been with us for over year. In that time he has impressed everyone with his athleticism. More importantly, he has been one of the most upstanding guys I’ve ever met. I’ve NEVER heard him complain about anything, he always works his hardest, always listens and applies himself when coached, and always works to improve on his weaknesses. He’s been the perfect athlete for a coach to work with. The National Guard will surely be improved upon his arrival, as long as they teach him how to shoot without giggling like a 4 year old. Looking forward to your return Joey.


In teams of 4, complete 4 rounds each of:
500 Meter Row
50 Air Squats
400 Meter Run
25 Kettlebell Swings (54/35 lb)

Each team member will start on a different station. Teammates may not rotate to the next station until everyone on the team has complete their station.


A) Clean and Jerk: 3@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 4×1@90+%
No more than 2 misses allowed

B) Back Squat: 4@75%, 4@85%, 3×4@90%

C) EMOM for 20 minutes (10 rounds):
Odd Minutes: 12 Alternating Pistols + 4 Over the Box Jumps (24/20 can’t touch top)
Even Minutes: 100 yd sprint + 10 pullups
If you don’t finish a set, move on anyways, do your best to stay on track. Score is total number of reps (pistols, jumps, pullups) not including the run. Perfect score is 260.

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