Memorial Day
Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day. We will only be doing Memorial Day Murph to Honor Lt. Murphy and benefit a number of great charity’s. If you are interested in donating visit the MDM Fundraiser site here.
Donations are voluntary and will not be required to participate (but you do get an awesome shirt when you sign up).
The workout is brutal, but you will have the option of doing it Rx, Scaled, or as part of a Team.
Saturday WOD – 9:30AM
In teams of three, complete four rounds for max reps/calories of:
1 Min ME Row for Calories
1 Min ME Burpees
1 Min ME Goblet Squats
Rest 60 seconds
Teams will get one rower, one KB. Athletes will switch from station to station, and rest together after 3 minutes.
Just signed up. Will be doing it RX; good thing Monday is my off day..