As we’ve been posting for the last couple weeks, we will not have a Saturday class. Open gym at 11AM if you want to lift or make up a missed workout. Be smart. I will be back in the early afternoon to lift, check the Facebook Page for updates.

Otherwise, unless your attending a wedding or working, you should be at the Murphy Maize Days 5k. Go sign up!

Laura and I will be there at 8AM near the start/finish line and have volunteered to watch kids, so no excuses.


Run 5k
…even if you don’t make it to Murphy Maize Days… The WOD will be in Wodify, be sure to post your times.

Competition Training

Open gym at 11AM. I will be back in the early afternoon to lift, check the Facebook Page for updates.

Spend some time with a barbell warming up everyday. The gargoyle, snatch drops, snatch SOTS press, clean SOTS press, overhead duck walk, etc. Get better at being under the bar. Your warmups are usually too short, your gymnastics skills drills usually take too long.

1) For max reps:
1 Minutes of Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds
1 Minutes of Double-Unders
Rest 60 seconds
1 Minutes of Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds
1 Minutes of Double-Unders
Rest 60 seconds

2) Four rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters (115/75 lb.)
10 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
14 min cap. Goal is sub 10 min. On that note, we are going to start capping all of these, keep the intensity up and work on your weaknesses.

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