Haley joined the 100lb club today! (click for video)
For Time:
800M Run
100 DU
50ft HS Walk
50 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
50ft HS Walk
100 DU
800M Run
Scale HS Walk with 5 Wall Walks. Hang PC should feel light and be done in sets of 10+.
1A) Jerk Drops: Bar on back, extend onto toes, drop into split, recover, bar never leaves your back: 3@80%, 3@90%, 3@100%, 3@110%, base percentage off jerk max,
no rest
1B) Russian KB Swings 4×20 AHAP,
rest 2 min
2A) Bench Press: 4×4
rest 90 sec
2B) BN Snatch Grip Push Press: 4×3@85%, base percentage off snatch max,
rest 90 sec
what do you think about crossfit sachse
They are new, I hope they do well and continue to introduce more people to CrossFit.