Saturday Schedule
Something a little different Saturday, we will be open from 9AM-11AM, like normal. However, we will be running heats of the Lurong 13.3 WOD every 10-15 minutes for the entire time. Heats will be small (4-5 people each). Be there no later than 10AM to get into the last heats. If you remember this workout from last time, it was a lot of fun, if you missed it I recommend you make it tomorrow.

We highly encourage everyone to come at 9AM and hang out as long as possible. It’s a good one.

Congratulations to all of the CrossFit Wylie Athletes that participate in the Lurong Challenge, good work!


“Lurong 13.3”
For Time (5 min cap):

Round 1
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Meter Shuttle Sprint (10 Meter Increments)
Round 2
8 Hang Power Cleans
40 Meter Shuttle Sprint
Round 3
6 Hang Power Cleans
60 Meter Shuttle Sprint
Round 4
4 Hang Power Cleans
80 Meter Shuttle Sprint
Round 5
2 Hang Power Cleans
100 Meter Shuttle Sprint

For the Hang Power Cleans to count the athlete must first Deadlift the bar up before starting the movement. At the top of the clean the athlete’s elbows must clear the bar, and he or she must stand to full hip and leg extension before proceeding into their next rep. On the 10-meter sprinting intervals both feet must cross and hands must make contact with the line.

Any 1 REP of Hang Power Cleans not completed within the 5 minute time cap will be added on as 1 additional second. Every 10 Meter run not completed withing the 5 minute time cap will result in 5 seconds being added to the total time. 

Competition Training

1) “Lurong 13.3”

Rest 20-30 min then…
2) 12 min AMRAP
6 Chest to Bar Pullups
8 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)

3) Three attempts to establish Max L-Sit Hold
Rest as needed. Feet must be higher than butt, use plates.