Child’s Pose
Thread the Needle Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Kneeling Stretch

2 Sets
10e/side Single Arm KB Row
5e/side KB Windmills Press
5e/side KB Single Arm FR Squat

Chin-Up: Max Effort chin-ups in 3 minutes.
Pick a modification that you can do PERFECT chin-ups with (controlled up and down), for a minimum of 3-5 reps.

(e.g. Banded, Low bar, Ring Rows)

In teams of two, one partner working at a time,
4 Rounds for Time:
60 Double Unders | 100 Double Unders
20 Alt DB Snatch (50/35) | 10 BB Squat Snatch (95/65)
20 Single Arm OH Squats* | 20 Alt Pistol Squats
20 Pull-Ups | C2B

*10 Single Arm OHS per side

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