In teams of three, for 5 Rounds Each, for Total Reps:
Row for Max Cal in 1 Min
OHS (115/75) for Max Reps in 1 Min
Rest for 1 Min

**Everyone starts on rower, relay style.


5 min. EMOM – Find heavy Muscle Snatch
rest 1 min.
5 min. EMOM – Find heavy snatch pull to explode + Hang snatch from below the knee
rest 1 min.
5 min. EMOM – Find heavy full snatch for the day

4 sets
12 RDL – heavy but perfect, feel the posterior
18 strict knees to elbows

25 reps: 1 rep = 2 Hollow/arch kips + 1 ring MU + 1 ring dip