In teams of 2 for Reps. Partner A works 3 minutes, then partner B works 3 minutes. Both partners do all three AMRAPs:
AMRAP in 3 minutes, then switch:
12 Alt. DB snatch (50/35)
9 Toes to Bar
AMRAP in 3 minutes, then switch:
12 DB Cleans (50/35s)
6 C2B
AMRAP in 3 minutes, then switch:
12 Alt OH DB Lunges (50/35s)
4 Bar MU
Clean Pull to Mid Thigh + Clean + FS + Jerk: Build to heavy set
4 sets:
12 weighted GHD hip extensions – heavy but perfect, feel the posterior
25 hollow rocks
4 sets w/ towel b/n feet: 3 strict ring pullups (pull as high as possible) + 5 hollow/arch swings
Muscle Ups: 5 sets of 3+2+1 clusters, 10 sec. rest between clusters
90 sec. rest b/n sets