AMRAP in 14 minutes, in teams of 2, one athlete working at a time:
30 Hang Power Snatches (75/55#)
30 Back Squats
30 C2B Pullups
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
Accumulate 60 Ab Wheel Roll Outs
*Scale with accumulating 2 min in plank.
16 min. clock:
–Min 1-11, every 90 sec:
1 clean + FS + Jerk
*start around 60% and build… if you fail, drop to last completed weight and finish all remaining with that weight
–Rest 1 min
–Min 13-16: Drop to 50% of the heaviest weight of day and complete:
3 Rounds for Time:
5 UB Squat Clean Thrusters
40 UB DU
10 min. to find 10 sec. Pause FS.
*full hand on the bar
Accumulate 12 Wallwalks + 1 HSPU facing wall
30 HSPU w/ 3 sec. hold in bottom of kip on each rep
*Focus on femur being parallel w/ground and shin perpendicular