4 sets:
100ft e/arm KB OH Walk
10 Landmine bent rows e/side (anchor bar end by wedging between a couple of 45s)

In teams of 2, Split Reps evenly, 4 Rounds for Time:
40/32 Cal Assault Bike*
16 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)**
16 Strict Pullups | R+ 12 Bar MU
16 REVERSE Front Rack Lunges

*M/F teams do 36 Cal
**R+ Lunges w/ 50/35 DBs


Clean and Jerk: Every 90 sec:
60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 88/1, 91/1, 85/2, 90/1, 94/1

strict weighted chinup – 5 sets of 3RM

10 min EMOM on bar: 4 Hollow/arch kips + 3 kipping pullups + 3 Kipping C2B + 3 TTB
*NOT butterfly

Midline – After
3 sets, use same weight for each set, build in weight each set as able:
20 alt. Mason twists w/ light KB
15 weighted crunches w/ KB
3 turkish getups e/arm w/ KB