In teams of 2, 4 Rounds for time:
20 Power Snatches (115/75)
40 Cal on Bike
*switch partners every 10 cal/reps


10 min. EMOM – building
2 Power snatch, not T’n’go
–rest 2 min.
5 min. to find max 2 rep hang full snatch
–rest 2 min.
4 min. AMRAP
10 alt. DB squat snatch (55/35)
20 UB DU
10 Sandbag/Dball to shoulder (50/70+ AHAP)

6 sets of 6 – Pullups w/ focus on perfect kip, legs straight

5 min AMRAP:
9 HSPU (open standard)
50 DU

4 min. Tabata – Hollow scissor kicks
rest 1 min
4 min. Tabata – Hollow rock