In teams of 2, 4 Rounds for Time:
80 Double Unders
20 Toes to Bar
20 HR Pushups
7 Wall Walks | R+ 50ft HS Walk

*one partner working at a time
**HS walk done w/ 10′ sections, 50′ total as a team


Tall Snatch: 3 sets of 3 as warmup
Snatch: EMOM – Start at 95/65# and add 10/5# each minute until 2 misses

3 sets of 3: cleanjerks as warmup
Clean + 3 FS + jerk : 11 min to work to Max

6 sets: – set up 10’x10′ box
HS walk around box = 1 set
Alt. direction e/ set
any fall = 5 hollow rocks on the spots