New Years Schedule
31st, Monday: 530A / 800A / 900A / 400P / 500P (NO 6 or 7)
1st, Tuesday: 900A Community WOD – FREE to ALL.
Be sure any new friends register for the class BEFORE arriving, thanks!
In Teams of 2, for Total Time:
20 Farmers Carry Laps (53/35)
then, 4 rounds of:
60 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
30 Cal Row
24 V-Ups
then, 20 Farmers Carry Laps (53/35)
*One person working at a time.
**Farmers Carry Lap is 50ft down + 50ft back. You have to alternate laps w/ partner.
with empty barbell:
10 Jerk grip OHS
1 min OH hold
10 Jerk grip OHS
*progression: move grip in as narrow as possible. Vertical torso will be key.
Hang Snatch (above knee) + Snatch (floor): Build to heavy set
Clean + 2 FS + Jerk: Build to heavy set
AMRAP in 4 Min:
8 20″ burpee box overs
20 alt. pistols