Becky Conzelman is the Founder of FaithRxd, a global community uniting Faith and Fitness. She is also a 5 times CrossFit Games competitor. I’ve been fortunate enough to spend some time with Becky and she’s one of the warmest and most welcoming people I’ve ever met. Unfortunately, Tuesday night she suffered an aneurysm that bled into her brain and had to undergo surgery for several hours. So far things are positive, but still very serious.

Today’s WOD is for Becky!
– Coach Chris


2 Rounds:
10 Skull Crushers
10 Bird dogs
10 Thread the Needle – DEMO


“Becky Conzelman – Champion”
2 Rounds for Time (30min cap):⁣⁣
25 Handstand Push Ups⁣⁣
20 Deadlifts⁣⁣ 135/95
15 OHS 135/95⁣⁣
10 Burpee Over Box⁣⁣ 24/20
800M Run⁣⁣

Scale w/ regular pushups, lighter weight, and front squats as needed.