
CrossFit 454 is hosting a GetRX’d Competition on Feb 23 just before the open begins. There are Male, Female, Masters, and Team divisions. I’d like to put together a couple teams for this. If you are interested please let me know.


For Time in Teams of 2:
30 Partner Burpees
200m Buddy Carry

Notes: HSPU may apportioned in any way. Partner Burpees should be performed like Lateral Burpees. Each teammate should do 2 at a time. One rep would consist of a Burpee, then a lateral jump over the teammate (lying face down on the ground). The 2nd rep would be the same, but jumping back in the opposite direction. Teams must alternate Burpees every 2 reps. The 200m Buddy Carry should be performed with one teammate carrying the other for 100m, then switching for the final 100m (Fireman’s carry style preffered).


HBBS: 2X5@65%, 3X5@70%


15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch

15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk

Individual Version of WOD:
3 rounds for time of:
25 HSPU (2012 Regional standard)
20 Lateral Burpees (over BB)
100m Barbell Carry 185/135# (back rack)

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