Regionals Event 5 (Team Modification)
In teams of 2, for time:
80 Push-ups
80 Toes-to-bars
80 Cal AirBike
80 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs
100ft Left Arm DB OH lunge
100ft Right Arm DB OH lunge

M 50-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box
F 35-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box
*Each athlete does 50ft of lunges w/ each arm
**Be smart in scaling the DB weight


3 sets: 30 ft. OHS duck walk

-6 min. EMOM – Building
2 power snatch
-rest 2 min.
-6 min. EMOM – Building
1 Power snatch + 1 Full Snatch
-rest 2 min.
-4 min. clock
-Find 1RM Full snatch for the day

Full Snatch (95/65)
Burpee to 6″ target

4 min. tabata – Hollow hold on rings

25 reps on rings – split as needed:
5 sec. hollow hold + 5 arch hold + 1 MU (ring to hip kip) from static arch position.