
WOD Warm-upUpperbody Banded Stretch + Banded Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets5 BB Goodmorning into Squats5 Behind the Neck Push Press5 Hang Muscle Snatch5 Hang Power Snatch5 OHS Conditioning4 Rounds for Time (Rx+ 5 Rounds) – 30 Minute Time Cap:A. 12 Hang Power Snatch...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets15/12 Calorie Row12-15 Supinated Banded Pull-apart10 Banded Prone Passthrough3 Tempo Chin-up (3sec descent) Strength4 Sets4 Push Press (31X1)*1-2 Minute rest between sets *3sec descent, pause 1sec at bottom, up fast, 1sec pause at top Conditioning4...


WOD Warm-upBox Mobility/Stretches into Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets6e/side Goblet Cossack Squats (stay low in transitions)10e/side Single Arm KBS5 Tall Box Jump StrengthEMOM x 7mins6 Front Squat (20X0) *Use the same weight, or slightly higher, as in week 2 (10/7) and...


WOD MobilityLXB Smash: Pecs, Lats, Traps, Rotator Cuff Dynamic Warm-up, into 2 sets of:40sec Row (easy) + 20sec Row (sprint)5 Blackburn Stretch10 DB Cuban Press10 Alternating Push-up Pike Toe Touch Strength3-4 Sets6 Bench Press (21X0)10-15 Dips*10e/arm Single Arm DB...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets20/16 Calorie Bike6e/side Shinbox Goodmornings (paused)8e/side Half Kneeling KB Windmills6e/side Single Leg Prisoner Goodmorning ConditioningAlphabet Soup4 Rounds for Time (Rx+ 5 Rounds) – 35 Minute Time Cap:A. 15 DB Deadlifts (50/35)B. 15 DB...