
WOD Warm-upMobility: LXB Smash Pec/Traps/Delts Dynamic Warm-up Strength3 Sets3e/arm KB Turkish Get-up12e/arm Single Arm DB/KB Row20-30sec Pike Leg Lift Hold (3) Conditioning3 Rounds | 4 Rounds For Quality (Record Time):200m Run10 Burpee to...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets – perform 5 reps of the following BB movements:Goodmorning into SquatSnatch Grip BTN Push PressOverhead SquatHang High PullHang Muscle Clean StrengthEvery 90 seconds x 8 Rounds:Build up to a heavy, but perfect, 1RM Snatch or...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets6 Cat Cow Stretch10 Alternating Push-up to Pike Toe Touch5e/leg Single Leg Cobra Goodmorning (3sec pause @ hinge)15sec Chin-up Hold (3) Strength4 Working sets to build up to a 3RM or 5RM Bench Press,...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets10 scap pull-ups10 RDL w/ empty BB8 e/side skater squats5 Box Jump | Tall Box Jumps Tall Box Jumps: StrengthSpeed/Lower Body Power Benchmark:Build to the 1 rep weight you used last week for squats (9/12),...


WOD Warm-upStretches/Dynamic 2 Sets15/12 Calorie Row15e/side KB Side Bends10 KB Single Arm Push Press + 40′ OH KB Carry (both sides) ConditioningIn Teams of Two, One Person Working at a Time, 4 Rounds For Time:30 Cal Row30 Push Press (95/65) | 30 HSPU200m KB...