
WOD Warm-upBanded Upperbody Stretch PVC Pipe Warm-up 2 Sets (BB Complex):3 Hang High Snatch Pull3 Hang Muscle Snatch3 OHS3 Drop Snatch StrengthEvery 90 seconds x 6 Rounds (building in weight as technique allows):2 Hang Power Snatch (above knees)1 Low Hang Power Snatch...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Stretch/Warm-up 2 Sets5 Cat Cow Stretch5 Inchworm5 Dive Bomber Push-up10e/side Side Plank Thread the Needle Strength4 Sets6 Close Grip Bench Press (21X1)20sec Max Rep Bar Dips or KB Push-upRest roughly 1-2 minutes before repeating sets. *Focus on...


WOD Warm-up2 Sets1 Minute Row (sprint last 10 seconds)8e/leg KB Kickstand Goblet Squat8e/arm KB Windmill Press15-30sec Hanging L-Sit Hanging L-Sit: StrengthBack Squat (Speed Focus – 10X1)3 Reps EMOM x 8 Rounds Speed of the squat...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretch 2 Sets5e/side Forward Fold Rotations8e/side Curtsey Lunge10 BB Sumo Stance Goodmornings50m Sprint (80-90% effort) + 50m Walk Back StrengthEvery 2 Minutes x 5 Rounds6 Deadlifts (Tempo: 21X1 – not T&G) 2sec descent, 1sec...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Stretch/Warm-up 2 Sets10 Forearm Plank to Dolphin Pose12e/side DB Side Plank Powell Raise10 Alternating Tripod w/ Overhead Reach (1) SkillKipping Pull-up Progression (6-8 minutes):Beginner: Hollow Body + Superman...