Hey everyone!

We just realized that the price for the club championship said $50. That was the price last time when we had multiple Friday Night Lights and I forgot to change it. Since we are only doing one Friday Night Lights event, we adjusted the price to $30! We have not charged anyone yet. When you sign up HERE it will not charge you. Charges will be done be separately on your wodify account.

Check out all of the details and sign up HERE. THIS FRIDAY is the first day! If you can’t make it one day, as it says in the FAQ, you just have to get the workout done as soon as you can.

I’m signed up! Are you?! EVENTS 1 & 2  WILL BE ANNOUNCED TONIGHT!


Trap Smash w/ BB
Lat Smash w/ Ball or Roller
Glute Smash
Pigeon Stretch

3 rounds for Reps w/ no Rest:
Row: 15 Pulls for Max Cal
Max UB Strict Chinups
Row: 15 Pulls for Max Cal
Max UB Strict Ring Dips*

*scale w/ strict pushups