The next CrossFit Wylie Weightlifting Seminar is next Saturday (Jan 11)

Many of you have discussed it but we still have plenty of spots available. They’ve all sold out to this point so don’t wait to register. The CrossFit Wylie Olympic Weightlifting Clinic is focused on increasing an athlete’s proficiency in the Olympic lifts. Athletes will learn the movements in depth. Ultimately, the CrossFit Wylie Olympic Weightlifting Clinic will allow athletes of ALL LEVELS to leave with a greater understanding of the Olympic lifts for the purpose of increased performance across all athletic endeavors.

If you are a novice or beginner, this information is crucial for proper technique. You will lift more, lift faster, lift SAFER. You will build confidence with the movements and positions under load. As a result you will get far more out of your workouts.

If you are experienced, or have already taken part in our weightlifting clinic or other seminars. We will build on what you have already learned. You will be able to fine tune your movement patterns and clean up your errors. You pick up things that were perhaps, over your head previously.

In summary, if you want to get better at CrossFit or Weightlifting, THIS the BEST way how.


1) Hi Hang Clean (power position) – 15 min to find 2RM

2) Four rounds for time of (20 min cap):
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
30 Abmat Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders


Make-Up Wednesday

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