Friday at 10am central time, Laura Koenig will accomplish her goal of becoming a National level olympic weightlifter by qualifying for and competing in the USA Weightlifting American Open in Washington DC. Not long ago this seemed like a dream more than goal. Her dedication and hard work has been nothing short of amazing. I couldn’t be more proud, as coach and as her friend and fiance. Live feed and info will be updated on USAW’s page linked above.

No 730am Class on Thursday, no 12PM Class Friday, thanks for understanding!


“Deck of Cards”

Number represents repetitions  (Face cards = 10, Aces = 200m Run)

Suit represents the movement:
Hearts = Burpees
Diamonds = Sit-Ups
Spades = Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Clubs = Goblet Squats (53/35)

Cards are flipped over one at a time.
Entire class completes the repetitions before flipping the next card.
Score is the time it takes your class to make it through the entire deck!

Request based Group Mobility led by Coach following the workout.