So Um… Yeah. I failed to get a good picture of Wednesday’s result before I erased the board. PLEASE POST YOUR WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS TO WEDNESDAY’S COMMENT SECTION. It should look like this… Coker – 96lbs – 6:19 or Tammy – Green+Blue – 9:12
You get the point. Sorry and thanks! These are important numbers and I feel like an idiot…
Shirts are in. Tank Tops $15. T-Shirts $20
4X 8 Pull-ups + 15 Beat Swings – rest 60 sec.
4X 15sec L-Sit Hang on Bar or Rings + 5 Ball-ups – rest 60 sec.
5 Min. Row for Calories
We will spend the remaining time to work on squat technique and different mobility issues that cause common faults and poor technique.
Green+red 11:05
Oh my stars Chris! :). I even wrote on the board today!! Blue band, 10:32 run :).
Stephen pine: 88 lbs. 7:26
Keith P. – 70lbs – 6:46
Run 9:00 ; pullup 56lbs
Kristen E. – green+red – 10:07
Sammi – Blue+Red – 10:12
Bryant Strict / 8:10
Lisann. Red + Green / 10:10
ShaRhonda – Red+Green – 12:22
Seth – strict(no-band) – 8:05
Luke – 40 lbs – 8:05
Scott M – 44 lbs – 8:20