We have the Original Nutrionals Fish Oil in stock again. If you don’t know what it does or why you should add it to your nutrition, ask a coach.
CubFit (ages 8+) at 6:30PM
Recovery/Makeup Day
Make Up WODs
Priority order:
Monday – February Benchmark
Wednesday – 11.1
Tuesday – 400M
Recovery Work
Test Posterior Chain ROM / Test Wall Facing Squat
Full 10 Min of Posterior Chain De-lamination and Flossing
3 Rounds in any order, not for time:
20 GHD Sit-ups (scale accordingly)
30 Wall Facing Squats – feet as close to wall as possible, arms overhead
20 Cal Row – as Fast as Possible
10 Ring Push-ups – rings 2″ off ground
CubFit at 6:30 PM right?
Any subs for GHD sit ups… Might have to break down and build something, know of any plans out there to build one?
Not that I’m aware of. A decline bench with foot anchors would be decent.
If you have a pullup bar, strict toes to bar are decent. Or just weighted situps.