This week will be the last “Friday Night Lights” event of the 2013 Open! Please help out by notifying us if you are not attending Friday Night!

Wodify Update

Rich Froning’s (CrossFit Mayhem) Wodify Setup

A while back we tossed around the idea of upgrading our system to Wodify. We really appreciate the support for this change that most everyone has shown, and the desire to make YOUR gym better is palpable. I love that about you guys.

The vast majority (88%) agreed that this would be worth paying more. However, it’s my belief this system will improve your experience to the point that we will see returns far more important than a few bucks a month. We’ve decided to go forward with the upgrade, but we will NOT be raising anyone’s dues.

With that said, the hardware/upfront costs are more than we anticipated and we will accept donations towards these charges. Don’t feel obligated, but if you want to help out it would be much appreciated!

WOD – Recovery Day / 13.4 Prep


5 Min Foam Roller
5 Min T-Spine Mobility
5 Min Athlete Choice


2 Min Tabata:
Abmat Situps
-no rest-
Run 400M or Row 500M for Time

2 Min Tabata:
HR PushUps
-no rest-
Run 400M or Row 500M for Time

2 Min Tabata:
Abmat Back Extensions
-no rest-
Run 400M or Row 500M for Time

Competition WOD – Recovery Day / 13.4 Prep

Work on 13.4 Skills. Stay light.

Row 1K at 75%
Rest 1:1
Row 1K at 90%

Finish with Mobility work from above.
