Deadlifts from 3″ deficit: Warmup to 70% and perform 1 rep every 30 sec. for 6 min.
*build to 80% if able, be smart.
**only use deficit if you are able to get into a perfect starting position

6 Rounds for Time:
9 DBall over Shoulder (80/50)
100M Sprint
15 Wallballs (20/14)
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds


5 min EMOM: Squat Clean Thruster + Thruster
*light, fast, perfect, as warmup

3 Pos Clean (above knee, below knee, 1″ off ground): Find Max in 10 minutes
*rest 2 min THEN @70% of today’s complex complete 15 full cleans AFAP

For 3 min, Every 30 sec:
rest 2 min, then for 3 min, Every 30 sec:
5 kipping pullups
rest 2 min, then for 4 min, Every 30 sec:
4 CTB (Unbroken if able)

Midline – After:
5 sets of 6+15 sec. extended hold – evil wheels/ab wheel rollout
**after each set immediately rollover and perform 15 arch ups