6 Rounds:
4 Power Snatch (135/95)
14 Goblet Squats | R+ Pistols
12 Toes to Bar
1 Min Rest

*scale snatch to 70% or less.


High Hang CleanJerk: 3 sets of 3 building as warmup
Squat Clean Thruster – 1 rep x 10 min EMOM, build each minute without missing
Then, at 70% of today’s max – Perform the following Cluster sets AFAP and Unbroken: 10-8-6-4-2

Clean pulls: 6 sets of 3 @90%

Kneeling DB Press: 3 sets of 8
*both knees on ground

4 sets: 2 strict HSPU + 8-10 kip HSPU

Midline – After 
3 sets – Max weighted 60 sec. plank on elbows…no sag!!

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