Banded Deadlift: 8 sets of 4 @ 50% of best deadlift + medium band tension, drop every rep from the top, rest 90 sec between sets

With a partner, alternate complete rounds, 5 rounds each, for time:
20/18 Cal Row
12 Pushups w/ hands on heavy DBs | R+ Ring Pushups


Before WOD
Clean Blocks 2″ off floor: Clean: 50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 75/2, 80-85/2*5 sets

5 sets: 5 Hollow/arch kips + 5 clapping hollow/arch kips

6 sets: 8 TTB + 4 Bar MU + 4 bar dips

After WOD
4 min. Reverse tabata – L-sit holds