The Whole Life Challenge & Hydrostatic Test

CrossFit Wylie’s 3rd Whole Life Challenge will start on Saturday & the optional Hydrostatic Body Test is Thursday.

The kickoff meetings for the challenge participants will be at 7:45PM on Thur, Sep 17th and another on Sat, Sep 19th at 11AM. The meetings are not mandatory, but definitely recommended. We will go over the rules, guidelines, nutrition facts, etc. and have a Q&A. For all details and links regarding the challenge, visit the event page here.


2 Position Clean – Floor+Power Position: 15 minutes to find a max in the complex, complete a minimum of 5 sets

Every 3 minutes on the minute x 21 minutes (7 rounds):
10 OHS (95/65)
6 Shoulder Press (95/65) | R+ HSPU
4 Burpee Over Bar
modify weight and movements as needed to stay close to 60 sec per round


Warmup – 4 perfect wall walks holding straight body

EMOM x 10 min:
odd min: 3 DL from 3in riser @ 75%-85%, drop every rep from the top
even min: GHD Hip Extension, weighted as able x 8 reps

6 sets:
20 ft HS walk to wall, re-establish straight body and hold for 10 sec.

4 sets:
10 sitting straddle raise
10 Push up walk-overs