4 Rounds for Time:
500M Row / 1500M Bike
20 Wallballs (20/14)
25 Abmat Situps | R+ 15 GHD Situps
1 Squat Clean & Jerk (80% of 1RM)

*Alternate between row and bike.


ALL After Conditioning
2 min. hollow rocks + 2 min. arch rocks

4 sets: 5 small butterfly circles (or hollow/arch swing) + 8 pullups
*practice the method you will use in open workout

Jerk: work up to 85% and complete 4 sets of 2 Jerks from the rack/blocks
rest 60 sec between sets

BS: 70/4, 75/4, 80/3, 85/3, 90/2
rest 60-90 sec