Banded Deadlifts: 10×3 @ 50% of best deadlift + medium band tension, every 90 sec

90 sec on, 2 min off, for AMRAP in 5 rounds:
10 Clean and Jerks** (95/65)
30 Double Unders
Max C2B | R+ Bar MU in remaining time

**must be a jerk with arms and legs locked out at end


Squat clean thruster: 30-40/3*3 sets as warmup
*keep full hand on the bar
then, Clean from Blocks at knee: 2 clean pulls to mid thigh + 1 Clean (2+1=1):
60/3, 70/3, 75/2, 80/2, 85/1*4

5 sets of 5 strict hollow C2B* pullups
*pull as high as possible

3 min. EMOM – 5 glide kipping pullups
3 min. EMOM – 5 butterfly pullups
3 min. EMOM – 5 C2B pullups

Midline – After:
80 arch rocks