Back Squat: 50/4, 60/4, 70/4, 80/4x4sets
*every 90 sec.

5 rounds for time:
7 Burpee Box Box Overs
12 C2B PU | R+ 4 Ring MU
16 Goblet Squats (53/35) | R+ 12 DB FS (50/35s)
Rest 60 Sec


Snatch pull to mid thigh + snatch from 2″ off the ground
*work up to 80% of last week’s max – then perform 8 sets of 2 every 90 sec.
*reset each rep

4 min:
reverse tabata (10on/20off) – HS hold on wall facing wall

6 sets:
2 wall walks + 12 alt. HS march w/ feet on wall + 20 ft. HS walk off wall

Midline – After
3 sets
20 strict knees to elbows
15 arch rocks

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