Schedule Addition: Thursday afternoon will now have a 4:30pm class and the 5:30pm class will be a weightlifting class. So it will be:
4:30pm WOD
5:30pm Weightlifting
6:30pm WOD

Cubfit Class: Tuesday night at 6:30. It will be packed again, just a warning to the non parents that usually come to the 6:30.

We are gathering a large collection of lost and found stuff. It will be placed in the far right locker. Have a look if you’re missing anything.

Kill Cliff is in stock. Get em while they last.


Back Squats :
1X10@60%, 1X8@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X4@80% – rest 2 min between sets
NOTES: These will be Low Bar. From now on if it doesn’t say Hi-Bar, assume low bar. You are about to become squatting machines.


9min AMPRAP of:
50 Double Unders
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Abmat Sit-ups


Front Squats: 1X5@60%, 3X5@70% – rest 2 min between sets

7X1 Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

7X1 Clean & Jerk off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO

10min of Muscle Up Practice


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