Low Bar Back Squat
1X8@65%, 1X8@70%, 1X6@80%, 1X6@85%
9 min AMRAP:
9 Toes-to-Bar
9 Burpees
9 Power Snatch 115/75#
Front Squats:
1X5@60%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@75%, 1X5@80%
1) 7X1 Snatch off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec.
2) 7X1 Clean & Push Jerk off Boxes (just above knee) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec.
When are you recommending people do the extra stuff?
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Preferably during the open gym, but you can also do them during other classes as long as space and equipment is available.
I’d guess in our “extra” time 😉