Holiday Schedule
Tue, Dec 31 – Morning Classes ONLY Wed, Jan 01 – Noon “Hangover WOD” ONLY
1A) Wall Walks 4X3 w/5 sec hold Rest 60 seconds 1B) Partnered Leg Tosses 4X15-20 reps Rest 60 seconds
2) 3 Rounds For time: 20 Squats 15 Pull-ups 10 Burpees 600 Meter Run
EMOM for 20 minutes: 1A) Odd Minutes – Bench Press X2 reps 2A) Even Minutes – Row 40-50 sec for Calories Not all out, try to hit around the same number each time.
2) 4 min AMRAP of: Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3) Three sets of: GHD Sit-Ups X15 Rest as needed Supine Ring Rows X8-10@2111 Rest as needed
4) 10-15 minutes of Rowing or AirDyne @ 65-70%
Happy new year guys! 2014 is looking like a big year for yal, couldn’t be happening to a better group of people.