Contest Time!
Whoever predicts the exact movements (i.e. burpees and snatch) correctly for Open Workout 14.1 gets a FREE, 30 minute, private coaching session (instruction, video analysis, etc). Your predictions must be made via comment on this website blog post, and must be exact. Only one winner, so don’t copy anyone.
A) Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes:
Even – 2 Power Cleans + 1 Front Squat
Odd – 30 Double Unders
Increase weight each round if possible.
Rest 4 Minutes
B) Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes
Even – 10 Burpees
Odd – 10 Situps
Record weights used, and total number of reps completed.
A) Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
2+2@60%, 2+2@65%, 3×1+2@70%
rest 90 sec
B) Snatch High Pull
rest 60 sec
C) Front Squat
5@60%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 2×2@85%
Quick up & down, no pause top or bottom.
rest 60 sec
D) Use one bar at 135/95:
3 min AMRAP of: 10 Deadlift + 10 Burpees
rest 90 seconds
3 min AMRAP of: 8 Power Clean + 8 Burpees
rest 90 seconds
3 min AMRAP of: 6 Shoulder to Overhead + 6 Burpees
rest 90 seconds
3 min AMRAP of: 4 Power Snatch + 4 Burpees
Burpee thrusters
I think your “I.e” is right
burpees and snatches
Thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups
Burpees and du’s
135 what? haha
Hit post to soon, 21, 15, 9 thrusters, burpees and chest 2 bar
Kettlebell swings and burpees
over the box burpees
Thrusters chest to bar pull-ups and box jumps.
I’m hoping for bench press
Burpees and wall ball
deadlift, box jumps, shoulder to overhead
Burpee box jumps