Weekend Schedule

Friday – 5:30AM, 6:30AM, 8:30AM ONLY – Club Champ heats start at 6pm. Heats will be announced tomorrow.
SaturdayHotshots 19 Memorial WOD at 10AM. Will be broken into heats, first come first serve.
Sunday Weightlifting Seminar with Donny Shankle
Monday – Limited schedule due to Holiday. Details TBD.
Permanent Change – No More Scheduled Open Gym Time. Coaches will be there about 15 min early in the afternoon. Otherwise you are welcome to ask us when we will be in the gym training via the CrossFit Wylie Facebook Group.


1A) Good Mornings 4X6 @ 3011 tempo
Build up in weight. Rest 20 seconds.
1B) Push-Ups x Max reps @ 1010 tempo
Set is over if you break tempo. No knees or worm unless absolutely necessary.
Rest 2 minutes

2) Four rounds for time of:
30 Abmat Situps
50 Double-Unders
10 Min Time Cap.

Competition Training

1) Clean 8X3 @ 80%
Rest 10 seconds between singles. Rest 2 minutes between sets.

2) Romanian Deadlift 3X5 @ 4021 tempo
Rest as needed. Use straps. Follow tempo precisely. DEMO

3) Front Squat 5X3 @ 4111 tempo
Rest 3 minutes. Do not exceed max load used on Monday, but try to use that load for all sets. This will be the last “tempo” session of this cycle – the torture is over.

4) 5 Minute AMRAP:
5 Burpees to Target (your pull-up bar)
10 Pull-Ups

Pullup bar must be above standing reach. Every burpee must finish with both hands touching your pull-up bar simultaneously. Consider these five minutes a test of desire. Go hard.