Must Read: Squat Every Day

“The smoothest pebble took hundreds of years of buffering by water and jostling by other stones to rough out all the hard edges and sand it down to a fine finish. Adaptations to training aren’t much different, though thankfully they operate on a scale friendlier to the human lifespan.

The most useful advice I’d want my younger self to follow: relax, slow down, and let things take shape on their own accord. There’s little use in forcing things out, and then stressing out when they don’t work out as you planned. Set ambitious goals, yes, but don’t let them own you. 

We all want results now. We expect to be muscled like an ox and shredded like parmesan cheese in six months. We put 30 hard-won pounds on our deadlift and, right over there, we see the next milestone: 50 more pounds! And, as we’re basking in the glow of success, we expect it to fall even faster.

Building a physique takes time. Hitting a triple body weight squat takes dedication and a lot of hard work. These things don’t just happen because you’ve decided to give weight training a shot. You don’t reach that kind of strength because you’re hardcore and never quit for anything. You don’t get there with good intentions and motivational quotes.

Treat training the way the sculptor treats a statue. One chip at a time. One chip is nothing. Put 10,000 chips on the floor and you’ve made a difference. Patience.”

– Matt Perryman, Squat Every Day

Whole Life Challenge (Starts Sep 13th)


The Pandemonium Project – Sept 12th

Sign-up sheet at the gym, deadline is Saturday!


Front squat – heavy double then 2×2@90% of double

Pyramid Fran (15 min cap):
Thrusters (95/65)

Rx+ = C2B Pullups
Ripping your hands is not cool or beneficial to training. It means you need to improve your pullups and grip the bar properly. Don’t rip your hands. It will only ruin the rest of the week. 



Power Clean & Push Jerk – heavy single, then 2×1@90% of single

Push Press – 2RM