Upcoming Intro to Weightlifting Cycle

– Oct 13 – Dec 17 (OFF Thanksgiving Week) – 9 Weeks
– Mondays & Wednesdays: 5:30AM / 7:30AM / 5:00PM

These classes are for all levels, and open to everyone. We will focus on proper movement and technique in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. The cycle lasts 9 weeks and is guaranteed to improve your lifts.

Class sizes are limited. Athletes must attend the class they register for, and must attend every class. Each class builds on the next as a progression, so any missed classes will need to be made-up. If the class is not made up, the athlete will have to start over next cycle.

The Intro Cycle is required for all athletes wanting to participate in the Extra Training, or the Competitive Weightlifting Training. No exceptions moving forward.

Cost: $60 for entire 9 week program, including 2 free make-up classes*.
*Additional missed classes will need to be made-up at discounted private training rate.
First come, first serve. If we’ve talked about it in the last week, you are already in.

Space is limited, email crossfitwylie@gmail.com to register.


8 Rounds for Time (30 min cap):
300M Run
3 Front Squats (75% of 1RM from Floor)


Shoulder to Overhead from rack
1 Attempt Every 60 seconds starting at 75%
5 attempts to heaviest load.