This is the most exciting part of the year for us! The Open is upon us, CF4CF is right around the corner, and we are moving into our new building too! You can see all of our upcoming events HERE.

4th Annual CF4CF
Registration for CF4CF went live today! The big change this year is the type of teams. In the past we’ve done coed teams of two. This year we decided to mix it up and have Men’s and Women’s Teams of two. So call your training partner and sign up!

2016 CrossFit Games OPEN
Click on the link for all of the details if you are new to CrossFit. The big difference this year is that we aren’t doing the Intramural Teams. We’ve decided to go back to the basics and compete as one team, CrossFit Wylie. One thing we always take pride in is the size and participation level of our community. Right now we are the 5th largest team in the South Central Region out of 168! But I think we can do better…
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In teams of 3, each starts at different station and rotate through,
Complete AMRAP in 20 minutes, resting 1 minute after every 2 rounds:
15 Cal Row
12 Pullups | R+ C2B
9 Hang Power Clean (135/85 | 155/105)

Push Jerk + Split Jerk: In 10 min find max

Extra – After Class

A) 4 sets – 6 russian dips (high enough to stay hollow!!)
B) 5 sets – 3-6 MU + 1 negative MU
– rest as needed, pick reps that are challenging but allow you to stay perfect
C) After Strength – 4 min tabata – hollow body banded psoas march

BS: EMOM follow reps and sets: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2*3 sets