2 Sets
12/10 Calorie Bike
KB Pendlay Rows
8 Double KB Deadlift (moderate weight)
40′ Double KB OH Carry + 40′ Dbl KB Front Rack Carry

3 Sets
10 Reps of 1-1/4 Front Squats

Rest 2 Minutes between sets.

Start conservative at roughly 40% of 1RM, building up as able.

Set 1 – RPE 5/10
Set 2 – RPE 6/10
Set 3 – RPE 7/10

4 Rounds for Time:
10 T2B | 2 Rope Climbs
15 Air Squats | 10 Alternating Pistol Squats
30 | 50 Double Unders
300 | 400m Run