Backsquat: Find Perfect 1RM
5/50, 3/60, 2/70, 1/80, 1/85, 1/90, 1/95, 1/100+

“Triple One”
For time:
1K Row
100 Double Unders
1 Mile Run


For Time:
2K Row
150 Cal Assault Bike
2 Mile Run


12 min. to find 5RM Power Jerk
Drop to 80% of today’s 5RM and perform 20 reps AFAP from the ground

3 sets of 5 e/leg slow tempo single leg box step downs

10 min. Pistol practice – focus on positions and use plates, heels, bands, etc. to work to best shapes possible

Midline – After
100 Hollow rocks

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