Holiday Schedule

Wednesday, Nov 21 – NO 7PM
Thursday, Nov 22 – CLOSED
Friday, Nov 23 – 8AM & 4PM
Saturday, Nov 24 – 8AM & 9AM

CHRISTMAS PARTY – December 15th, at the Gym, please RSVP: JvJgageUps

Monday, Dec 24 – 9AM / 10AM
Tuesday, Dec 25 – CLOSED


30 min AMRAP:
800m Run
30 KB Swings (53/35)
1000m Row
30 Abmat Situps
3000m Bike
100′ Walking Prisoner Lunges

*athletes may choose to start on run/row/bike but they have to start on one of those and go in the order described. 

4 min. Tabata – Hollow Hold


10 min. EMOM – 2 Push jerks at 85% of last weeks 3RM

BS: 4 rep max with 2 sec. pause at the bottom of each rep

On Rings for consistency – 16min Alt. EMOM
E- 4 hollow rocks + 2 candlestick rolls
O- 3 MU